Monday, August 22, 2011

What Infertile Couples Want and Need....

I read a blog post recently on Pregnant with Hope that seems to like a perfect thing to send along to friends and family who are on this journey with you.


E and R said...

Thanks for sharing!!

Sarra said...

Thank you for sharing this! It definitely brought a tear to my eye. I think one of the reasons I spend so much time reading blogs and reaching out to women online is that most of the people in my life do not understand what it's like to go through infertility. They don't know what to do or how to react or how to help.

I can't even tell you how many people have offered to be a surrogate or have told me to relax and stop trying so hard, etc. It's so hurtful and frustrating to feel like there's no real support from the people who are usually there as your support system.

I might have to send this link to some of those people. Thanks for sharing.

Kelli said...

thanks for sharing, sending it along now. =0)