Sunday, December 4, 2011

Easter came early...

In the last several days I've taken to calling my ovaries egg baskets. I mean, they kind of are, right? I only thought the baskets were full yesterday, holy hell, post trigger they feel like they're bursting at the seems. Like to the point that sitting isn't much of an option anymore. I'm either standing or laying/lounging, I don't totally remember how I felt at this point last time, but I'm guessing I was in a similar boat.

I'm trying to get a few more things done today before tomorrow morning's retrieval. If I can get the kitchen clean, a couple loads of laundry done and squeeze in a quick trip to the grocery store I'll be a happy camper.

The trigger last night was pretty I uneventful, which was a welcome change from our IM mishaps that we've had lately. That stuff stings, but we managed. Today is my favorite medication day of the whole cycle... Nothing but my usual meds, prenatal and a baby aspirin- so easy!!

I'm looking forward to my drug induced nap tomorrow!! And maybe, just maybe I'll have another life changing moment while I'm coming out of anesthesia again :)

Injections are O-V-E-R!!!


Baby Hopes said...

Wow!!! It's that time!!! :) I'm so glad your injections are done! Wishing you the best!!!

Joys Truly said...

Loved when the injections were over. Hope you get everything you need to get done.

Michele said...

I hope you get lots of mature eggs!

Emms said...

Good luck!

JM said...

Awwww man- Good luck!!! The lupron trigger burned and itched me too... so annoying. I am so glad I got laundry done and house cleaned before today. Funny thing is, I wasn't really bloated/sore post-trigger until an hour or two before the retrieval.

Best wishes for a FABULOUS retrieval, girl!!!

JM said...

Also, I don't think I can handle another life-changing moment like I had with your last IVF. I just don't think I can. So be careful laying down the big ones- I'm still sore!!!

Michele said...

Nominated you for Tell Me About Yourself, participate if you like.