...that I am indeed pregnant. I am still daily looking at sicks that were dipped in urine (days ago, YUCK!) just to see those two lines that mean everything. Even if I'm still in disbelief that this is for real, there are a few things that serve as gentle daily reminders....
And you know what? I love every single one of the crazy things happening with my body. This morning when I seriously nearly pee'd myself when I got out of bed I was so happy, because I know it is for the absolute best reason EVER!
Soooo, there may be an explanation for the crazy symptoms so early and the insanely early positive HPT (4dp5dt). My nurse just called with my beta... 398 at 9dp5dt. That is nearly 4 times higher than the positive we got with our first IVF cycle. E2 was 2,036 (starting just one estrace tomorrow) and progesterone was nice and high at 83 compared to last time's 14.4 at this point.
- Hello, maps for skin! I've always had visible veins, but it's reached a new level. The inside of my arms are kinda grossing me out!
- Oh-my-nipples! Seriously, ouch. The ladies MUST be roped in at all times!
- A feeling of bloat. Constantly. Some days it is uncomfortable to the point of doing the rubber band trick with my jeans. FYI, I may never button my pants again- who knew a rubber band could change EVERYTHING?!? Having my pants feel tight is weird given the fact that I've actually lost weight since we started this IVF cycle.
- I'm hungry. Maybe not weird for the general population, but when you've spent the last year on a metformin induced hunger strike, being hungry is very strange.
- A blazing feeling in my esophagus. After eating the most bland things (like a banana) I feel like there is a bit of a fire brewing in my chest.
- Toast- still on the NO list. I made grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup for dinner late last week not really thinking about the whole toast thing. I couldn't eat it. My husband thinks it is hilarious. He is constantly saying things like 'yeah, I get it. I mean, toast is super spicy and flavorful. It totally makes sense that the thought of it makes you want to vomit.' Blah, blah, blah... weirder things are bound to happen!
- Waterworks! This one is twofold. I'm a pee'ing machine- I used to be able to hold it for hours. Now if I don't wake up in the night to go, it is a delicate dance to the bathroom in the morning when my alarm goes off. Seriously, once I'm upright it becomes a VERY pressing issue. Also, I may not full on cry, but the eyes get glassy over the most ridiculous things. Like pretty much every episode of Glee. It is like being on lu.pron all over again.
And you know what? I love every single one of the crazy things happening with my body. This morning when I seriously nearly pee'd myself when I got out of bed I was so happy, because I know it is for the absolute best reason EVER!
Soooo, there may be an explanation for the crazy symptoms so early and the insanely early positive HPT (4dp5dt). My nurse just called with my beta... 398 at 9dp5dt. That is nearly 4 times higher than the positive we got with our first IVF cycle. E2 was 2,036 (starting just one estrace tomorrow) and progesterone was nice and high at 83 compared to last time's 14.4 at this point.
Hooray! So happy to hear your stats are so high this time around! I have really good feelings about this one for you! :)
Your Beta is Awesome! SO glad you got confirmation on on those HPT's!
That is a wonderful beta!! Congrats!! Stick baby stick!
Congrats :)
YAY! I'm so excited for you!
Awesome numbers!!
Yay! Amazing news!
Congrats on a great beta! What a wonderful Christmas gift :)
Wow your numbers are amazing! I'm wondering if there are twins in there!! I was pregnant with twins and my numbers weren't near as high! Congrats!! Sooo happy for you!!!
So so happy for you!!!! I've been MIA for a few days, but so glad I just checked in!! I'll be praying for you and little baby :) Yay, what a great Christmas gift!!!
Whoa, those are amazing numbers!!!!!!!
This is such amazing, wonderful news!!! Ahhhhhh!! I'm so sorry I've been such a shit and haven't commented on each of your thrilling posts. I AM SOOOOOOOO happy and excited for you and I am hanging on to your every word...even if I may not be commenting. Hugs!!!
Yay for such a fabulous beta!!! :) I'm wondering the same as Brandi...twins?!?! What a fabulous Christmas yall will have!!
AHH! Congrats!
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