Friday, December 30, 2011

Fuel for the fire....

Sometimes I have really good ideas....

Eating buffalo wing flavored pretzels about 1.5 hours before you'd like to lay down and go to sleep at 5.5 weeks pregnant does not happen to be one of them.

Heartburn has been kind of a typical visitor at bedtime for the last several nights, thankfully I finally wised up and bought some Tums for my nightstand. I'm crossing my fingers!

Also, random question... What app do you use to blog from your iPhone- the one I use tends to make me grumpy!


E and R said...

I know exactly what you mean about those "good ideas" - in fact I remember telling you about mine....which is still sitting here, still waiting for more paint!!!
Tums are my best friend - Tar.get brand is nice and cheap, so I buy two or three bottles at a time!

Sarra said...

Haha, the heartburn is torture, isn't it? It started early for me and is just not going away. I swear, even water gives me heartburn! So worth it though. But yes, keep those tums handy!!

Stephanie said...

Drink a lot of milk! My heartburn has only gone from tolerable to horrid as we've gone on.

As far as the app, I haven't gone to a smartphone yet, but use the hubs like this weekend when we were traveling and didn't take the laptop. He downloaded the regular Blogger app for free and it was fine. I was able to post pictures and post a blog. My only issue was that I couldn't assign my usual labels and I couldn't rearrange the photos myself. But it worked and was easy :)