Friday, October 21, 2011


I'm back! The hubs and I took a little trip, and now that we've returned I'll be returning to this little blog and my corner of the Internet. 

There isn't much to report, because we spent the majority of our time relaxing.... and it was glorious! 

In other news, I took my final BCP for our 'rest' cycle on Wednesday, and I'll start BCPs for our IVF cycle likely on Tuesday-ish. My pharmacist called this week to go over my drug order with me, all I'm going to say about that is I'm pretty sure angels were singing when I got off the phone with him. God bless insurance... about 50% of the time. 

The pumpkin carving party was a success- I didn't take any pictures. I'm lame. Maybe I'll take a picture of my pumpkin before her face caves in- its hilarious. 

Congratulations if you're actually reading this babbling- I promise to be back with something more interesting soon! 


Jessica said...

Welcome back!! Glad you had a relaxing get away.

Sybil said...

So glad your insurance will pay for at least some of your meds!! I had to pay out of pocket for all of mine :) Post pumpkins pictures!

Frankie Bee said...

Sounds like you are making progress! I bet you are so ready to be done with BCP's. Glad you got some R&R in.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!!!

Janet Off Kilter said...

Good to see you again :)
I'm glad that you were able to get away with hubs for a little getaway!

Joys Truly said...

I was totally thinking about you today at the gym..I went to a spinning class and there is a girl there is who is about 4 months pregnant. She was riding hard core. I could not even IMAGINE spinning when I get pregnant. Lucky her I guess to not have to worry. But I raced with her...she gave me motivation...

Michele said...

I'm so excited for this new cycle for you. I hope it all goes much better this time.

You definitely need to post a pumpkin pic!!!

K said...

Wishing you the very best of luck for this upcoming cycle *hugs*