Friday, January 27, 2012


I have another one for ya...

Just a little back story... we were watching a show about shrimp fishermen in the south before I went to bed. 

The dream started out fairly realistic with Hubs and I sitting in the waiting room at our RE's office. We were waiting for the appointment we have this afternoon, our 9w3d ultrasound. When we arrived in the room for the ultrasound, my husband informed our doctor that we wouldn't be needing her today because get this, 'I have an app. for that.' That may be one of my least favorite phrases EVER. Anyway, my husband waved his iphone over my abdomen and we had a little peek at our babes. I then asked about printing some pictures and listening to that whoosh of their hearts beating... apparently, there is NOT an app. for that. Cue alligator tears. 

I then got up and searched out our doctor. She was just getting ready to call another patient back, but agreed to give me a quick ultrasound. Unfortunately, there was only one open room. It had three chairs inside and just a portable ultrasound machine. She told me to go ahead and lay on the ground and she then inserted the wand. This is where it takes a turn for the worse. She turned into one of those men we'd watched on the shrimp fishing  show. Now the person working the wand in my whoo-ha was missing teeth, wearing a ripped shirt, had likely not washed his hands in weeks years and was calling my lady bits a bur-gina. WOW. 

No wonder I slept like garbage that night... who could possibly have restful sleep during that!


browning2222 said...

Oh my gosh. I've had some crazy dreams but I think your dream tops all of them.

Emily @ablanket2keep said...

LOL!!! I just love hearing crazy pregnancy dreams!