Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The best laid plans...

I just realized that I never told you guys the story of how we told our families over Christmas. It was a comedy of errors really....

Both of our families always want to take a family photo sometime over the holiday, so we thought this would be the ideal time to break the news and get a fun memento of their reactions. Ha. 

First up was my family. We all gathered in front of the Christmas tree, just the members of my immediate family that were in attendance. Hubs got the camera all set up and we took a couple of pictures. I think he got a little nervous and ended up saying 'oh this one is good' and was ready to be done. I obviously objected and said lets do one more just in case and gave him 'the look.' With the next photo he ran, got into the picture and said 'W&W is pregnant!!' Well, that isn't totally true, he used my actual name, but you get the picture. The photo.... a bunch of blank stares. No smiles, no surprised faces, no screams. They all thought that Hubs was about to be killed. They thought he was kidding and I was about go after him. Yeah, like after all we've been through, which they are well aware of, I'm sure my husband would be dumb enough to JOKE about me being pregnant. 
Needless to say, we were a little disappointed, but it is one thing they will NEVER live down.

And a couple days later we did it all again thinking for sure my husbands family wouldn't peg him for the idiot my family obviously thought he was. Turns out, we were wrong. Same picture. No reaction... like zero, zilch. 

Yes, both families were very excited once they realized that this was for real, but our picture plan crashed and burned. Well, it failed in the sense that we don't have a picture of them screaming with surprise and excitement, we do however have two fairly funny pictures that we will love to show our kid/kids someday showing them just how excited their family was about the news of their arrival. Ha! 


Sarra said...

Aww, the picture idea sounded so cute too! Would have been awesome if you could have gotten a really great one of everyone looking excited, but ah, surprises rarely turn out the way we hoped, lol. The important thing is that once they knew it was real, they were excited! And that it really is true!! You're pregnant! Thinking of you and can't wait to hear about the great u/s in a few days.

Michele said...


Maybe he should have thought of a different line, or you should have done it the second time, it's so funny that you got the exact same reaction.

Stephanie said...

Ha, that's funny that all you got were blank stares. I wish it would have worked out better, but I can just picture the confusion on everyone's faces. It's great that you still have something to document the moment your families heard the news.

Miss Mac said...

A picture is worth a thousand words:]

Emily @ablanket2keep said...

LOL! That is crazy how they all reacted the same way! I think it is kinda cool how you have a very different pic and memory of telling them. I think it will make you smile and laugh for years to come! Thanks for sharing!

Tiffany said...

This is awesome and hilarious all in the same! What a great idea! And what a miserable fail, in a funny way!! Love it!

Baby Hopes said...

Hahahaha!!! That reaction is priceless just because it is so genuine! :) We were so shocked when we found out we didn't really put any grand plan into action (plus our families live halfway across the country and we weren't wanting to travel in our first trimester). Their reactions were the same by phone... quiet at first... sort of a stunned silence. Then pure disbelief and shock. We got a lot of WHAAAAAAT?!?!?!?'s. I love that you caught the disbelief and initial stun on camera! :)