Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Earlier in the week I watched a you tube video of an ultrasound at 9w3d, which is what I'll be on Friday for our ultrasound. It was amazing. Although I know the physical changes that are happening with our babies right now,  I know it wont really hit me until I see it with my own eyes. On that video I was looking at a baby who had little arms and legs waving around... I can't wait to see the same thing on Friday x2!

I had a HORRIBLE and completely unrealistic dream earlier in the week about our babies. I woke with my hand right on the hard spot of my belly where our babes are growing. Sometimes I feel it more than others and in that moment it was more obvious than it had ever been.

The nausea seems to be subsiding some (**knocks on wood**), so I'm doing my best to eat a little more. Eating is still difficult since heartburn seems to be a sure thing after almost every meal. Though I've found if I can manage to stay upright longer after eating I'm better off. There is just something about a full belly that makes me want to lay down and take a nap!

I'm sure I'll be back Friday with an update about our ultrasound. Until then, I'll be counting down the minutes!!!


Anonymous said...

We had our 9week, 3 day today and it was crazy! The babe grew SO much in the past week and the arms/legs were so much longer. It was dancing a jig in there the whole time :)
You eating tums?

Stephanie said...

How exciting, I remember how cool the ultrasounds were. I think it will be awesome to watch two babes grow! Can't wait for the update!

Anonymous said...

GL on Friday!

Emily @ablanket2keep said...

I can't wait to hear all about it!