Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Story...

I still can't believe that this is REALLY happening! Two lines on a pregnancy test.... oh my goodness!

Yesterday I tried all afternoon to convince my husband that it was a great idea for us to test at home. I was losing it, I NEEDED to know. I was going crazy. And, I was SURE. I could feel it. He didn't care if I tested, he was just was worried that I would be crushed if it was negative. So, when I said one more time last night that I was dying to know, he half kidding said... 'just go pee on a stick then.'

It was around 8:30 and I decided to go to the bedroom and read. After realizing that Tuesday wouldn't be a good day to test and knowing that I'd never be able to hold out until Wednesday I decided to give it a shot.

As I dipped that stick I kept telling myself, 'don't be upset if there is only one line... there is still time' Thankfully at the end of the longest three minutes of my life, there were two beautiful pink lines! My next thought- how am I going to tell Hubs? Run out screaming? Then it came to me....

I have a few baby things that I've bought along the way- just a couple of outfits. I pulled them down out of the top of my closet and used clothes pins to clip them to the curtains above our bed. I then went out to the living room and asked Hubs if he could come help me close the window in our room because it was "stuck!" A few minutes later he walks down the hallway that leads into our room and stops as he sees this sight....

Then of course the hugs, kisses and crying commenced! We said over and over 'I can't believe this is happening!!' and then made our way down the hall to our WILL BE nursery! Just standing in the doorway knowing that in the next several weeks we will start cleaning it out... well, it was amazing.

We are well aware of the fact that we still have a VERY long way to go. However, we've spent so much time guarding our hurts, trying to not get hurt that in this moment I just want to feel everything. I am going to do my very best not to worry about how many days, weeks, months I get to have this baby(ies) with me.... because today I do... and today is a VERY happy day!!!


hopeful future mommy said...

Congratulations! :-)

Diana said...

So happy for u both. May God bless u and ur lil one during this pregnancy :)

Stephanie said...

Aww, this is such a sweet post and a great way to share the news with your husband. I have a great feeling about this for you and that you will be holding a baby (or babies!!!) in 9 months!!

JM said...


I am so so very excited for you guys! Lots of luck heading your way to get through the coming months.

L said...

What a cute story! I'm so excited for you :)

Stephanie said...

So cute!! I love that you came up with something cute even in the heat of the moment! A great memory to share forever!

E and R said...

Great idea! So excited and happy for you guys!!!

♥ Cass & Shane said...

Very cute!! wishing you all the best! x

Miss Mac said...

Happy Day! Congrats and what a sweet way to tell the hubby! :]

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness..... I am so darn happy for you!!!!! I cried when I read this post--- happy tears. Congratulations!!!!!

K said...

OMG - thats fabulous! I am so happy this worked for you guys and wish you a happy and healthy 9 months - now when do we find out if it's one or two? :)

Brandi said...

This is wonderful!! I can't wait to hear how the beta goes!! I knew this was going to work! :) Congrats!!!