Similarly, I was always SURE I would end up with gestational diabetes. I've read that PCOS'ers are more likely candidates and twin mamas are also at a higher risk-- NO GD here! Yahoo. Thank goodness because my cravings this pregnancy have been for summer fruits/berries, corn on the cob and sweets (in moderation of course!)... and that would have been painful if just as they were coming into season I had to step away from them!
One more bridge crossed. Now, I start marking off the milestones in terms of weeks. Right now I'm thinking in terms of two week increments-- back to this again?!?! The first milestone will be in 6 days when I am 28 weeks and officially in the third trimester no matter what book or website you are reading. I can't believe we are already here, exciting and terrifying all at the same time!
Aww yay! So glad to hear you passed the dreaded glucose test! Makes the 3rd trimester so much better to not have restrictions! :)
That is awesome!!! My test is tomorrow and I am sweating bullets thinking I am going to fail!
Hooray! So relieved for you. Your little angels will be here before you know it!!!
You sound so much like me! I was convinced that I'd have GD for all of the same reasons as you, and I am as shocked as everyone else that I'm not on bedrest yet. 28 weeks is a huge milestone- you're almost there!! I cannot believe how fast the time is flying by. Congratulations on passing your glucose test- now go enjoy some fruit!
So glad you passed. One less thing to worry about!
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