Tuesday, November 15, 2011

You forget the little things...

... well, and perhaps the big things too, I'm just not there yet to notice.

Lup.ron effing stings... like a lot.

Sure it only lasts a few minutes, but I had forgotten and it caught me off guard. I remembered that I hadn't loved doing that specific injection- but really, what injection did I love doing? We are one injection into this process, its the point of no return. I know time is about to start rushing by, and it will be Christmas before I know it. At which point, we will be celebrating with a tiny babe growing inside of me... I just know it!


Unknown said...

Sooo exciting! Sorry about the sting in your bum, but whoo baby, think about how that little pain is compared to the pain of infertility, lol! Infertile hearts laugh in the face of physical pain, wuah ha ha! *cough*

Praying for you!! <3 Sara

Megan said...

I did my first Lupron this morning but it was a microdose so I wonder if that's why I didn't have any burning?

The point of no return...I like that.

Liz said...

Sorry the Lupron stings. I don't remember that issue, but like you said, the things we forget. I am hoping you are celebrating X-MAS with great news this year : )

Jessica said...

Is it crazy that I really feel this is going to happen for you!! It’s really crazy! I’m so happy that you are so positive if you can send some of that my way I would appreciate it!! Haha sending you love!

JM said...

Well gee, I am SO excited then that I get to shoot myself with 0.8mL of the stuff as my trigger!!

Not so much.

Destiny said...

Oh I know the feeling! I hated taking that injection in my tummy. Talk about a bad sting! I will be checking in on you, praying for a little one to start growing SOON:)

infertile-thoughts said...

Fingers crossed for you! I love your outlook too :)