Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hope In Unlikely Places...

Over the weekend my husband and I saw The Kings Speech. Throughout the movie one word kept coming to mind over and over again...


to persist in anything undertaken; maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles, or discouragement; continue steadfastly.

In the midst of a movie that really had nothing to do with infertility, I was being prodded to see that the message could be easily transferred to my own life, my own struggles. Over and over I was reminded to not let the struggles of our circumstance take over. During nearly the entire movie I felt like someone was whispering in my ear.... 'Persevere- press on- you can do this.' The most important part is, I believed it. Deep down, I completely and totally believed it.

We WILL persist in this huge undertaking.
We WILL remember the purpose in spite of hard days and dejected spirits.

We WILL keep on.

We WILL persevere!


Michele said...

It's amazing all the things that remind us of infertility each day. It's the small things but it definitely keeps infertility in the forefront of our minds. Way to keep a positive attitude about it though.

Baby Hopes said...

Awesome post!!! I love it!

LC said...

Great movie & great post! I really needed this today - thank you & good luck in your journey.

L said...

I love finding inspiration in unique places. I hope this sticks with you through your upcoming cycle(s).

Miss Mac said...

It starts with the 'we will' attitude! Good for you!