Friday, November 5, 2010

Come on....


I went back for another round at the RE's office today... ultrasound #3 this cycle and still those dang follies are SLOW growers! It appears that only one of three is going to buck-up and grow, so we are waiting a little longer to trigger. My lining is better than last cycle, so maybe that will be the saving grace.

The plan is for me to continue to use OPKs through the morning of the trigger, just in case my ovaries decide to play any tricks. I'll give myself the trigger on Monday evening and then insemination will be on Wednesday morning. 12 agonizing days later we will know our fate, just in time to feel REALLY thankful for a positive beta or EXTRA thankful that our insurance covers 6 IUIs.

Remember how I was wishing and hoping that we wouldn't have our IUI over the weekend because "I am SO tired of having people I don't know in my vagina." ? Well, turns out my doctor is on call this weekend. Care to guess what that means? Yeah, she'll be out of the office on Wednesday. Splendid!

Even with all of that, I still have this almost annoying optimism about all of it. I don't mean optimism about this cycle specifically, but about the process in general. We WILL end this journey with a baby in our arms. Someday!


Stephanie said...

I have that optimism too. Even after 1 BFN IUI and IUI#2 ended in miscarriage, somehow I can't help but feel hopeful during this current IUI#3 2WW. Its odd, but I'll take it. I try to be neutral so as not to get my heart broken again (and again) but I can't help but feel like maybe this is it. Maybe third time's the charm. I have to say, I'm ok with IUI#3 failing because IUI#4 will include injectable which we haven't done yet and I have so much hope in stronger meds and a new routine. optimism and hope may dwindle if IUI#4 doesn't work because then we'll be looking at IVF in 2011. Sigh. Why can't we all just get pregnant the old fashioned way?! ;)

Megan said...

Good luck!! Thoughts and prayers that those follies get to workin and you get a BFP at the end of this cycle!!

Kim said...

I love your have the right attitude. Even if it doesnt happen now, it His time. Keep doing what your doing. xoxoxoxox

Nink said...

Being optimistic is so key! And wow, your insurance covers 6 IUIs!!! That makes the whole process seem easier, at least financially. I'm hoping your two other follies start growing for you and you have a higher chance of one of them fertilizing. Lets go IUI!!!