Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Athlete... Ha.

Tonight after getting home from a walk I proclaimed to my husband that I am an athlete. He totally laughed in my face. Why, you ask? Um, perhaps it was because it took us 30 minutes, a bottle of water and 5 hip stretching breaks to walk just over a mile. Either way it needed to be done. I need to get this body of mine ready for the possibility of a marathon twin vaginal birthing experience. We will be keeping it to a mile a couple nights a week for now, but once we get to 34 weeks we will be stepping it up to every other night and if I make it to 36 weeks we will be attempting to do it every night or pretty close. 

Everyone keeps telling me the massive weight gain is just around the corner, but I have a feeling that being able to get a little exercise coupled with the absolute lack of space to eat much might just keep this third trimester weight gain at bay. Honestly, I could not care less how much I gain in the final 7.5 weeks- whatever it takes to have a couple of healthy baby boys!


Stephanie said...

Haha, I can just imagine your walk but I think it's awesome that you are even doing it!! Good for you for coming up with a plan to exercise up until these boys make their grand entrance.

Unknown said...

LOL, you are an athlete! All that on top of two growing boys in your belly!? You're amazing! haha! I imagined a twin pregnancy as bed rest haha, so you're practically super woman in my eyes! :)

Jesica said...

Everyone keeps telling me the same thing, that I'm just going to blow up in the last few weeks. I don't see how! I'm hardly hungry everything is so squished!

MaryMargaret said...

I have to admit that I laughed out loud when I read this! Your post has inspired me to start walking more myself. I know that our furbabies will appreciate it and though we are having a planned c-section, it can hardly hurt to be in a better exercise routine on the the twins are here! And what's this IF you make it to 36 week business? You WILL make it, and those nightly walks will become please-hurry-up-labor inducers! :)

L said...

Good for you! I bet all the exercise will really help you during labor and delivery too.