Wednesday, February 1, 2012

First OB Appointment...

I had my first appointment this morning with our OB. Everything went really well and I'll be sad to leave them when we transfer to a larger office in the group in order to deliver at a hospital with a NICU. Our doctor said we could deliver at the smaller local hospital, but she said it was absolutely not an issue to transfer and she completely understood why we would want to do so with twins.

I asked all my questions, got every answer I was looking for, did a urine sample, had some blood drawn and the best part was the quick ultrasound to see our little babes. It was the first abdominal ultrasound I've had since becoming pregnant and it was super blurry, but perfect just the same. I saw each of their blurry little bodies with a little flicker of a beating heart in each. She said they both looked great and scheduled me for an appointment and ultrasound in 5 weeks at 15w1d. I'm already anxious to see them again... 5 weeks seems SO FAR AWAY!

So, the countdown begins. 5 wholes weeks.


Jesica said...

Isn't it funny how far apart the appointments are once you leave the RE? My midwife appts are every 4 weeks and I'm like 4 weeks?! I have to wait 4 weeks?!

So happy your twins are doing well =)

Janet Off Kilter said...

So happy to hear that your appointment went well and that the babies look great! Let's hope the next 5 weeks fly by!

Stephanie said...

Isn't it funny when you go to strip down and they're like, no the belly ultrasound is fine. Ha! Glad to hear things are progressing well!

Brandi said...

Yep I was so sad when we graduated to our OB. I couldn't believe they would make me wait that long to see the baby! It's hard at first when you are used to going in at least once a week. The time will fly by though I promise! :)

L said...

So glad you had a good appointment and I also think you are wise to transfer practices so you can deliver at a hospital with a NICU, although I'm hoping your babies won't need to use it at all. Waiting between those early appointments is the hardest - it does get easier.

amy said...

SWEET!! Glad to hear all is still going great :) I canNOT imagine having to wait FIVE more weeks to see your babes again...hopefully time will fly, it usually does!

Baby Hopes said...

It's definitely a big adjustment going from near daily and at least weekly appointments with an RE to waiting weeks on end between appointments. It starts to settle in after a bit, though I must confess... I do miss the frequent monitorings. Congratulations on graduating to your OB, mama!!!

M said...

So glad the babies are looking good! And congrats on graduating from the RE. I was so convinced my numbers were fine until I read your comments....I guess I'll have to wait and see if I'll be doubly blessed like you were!

Emily @ablanket2keep said...

Glad everything is going great!