Monday, April 8, 2013


Quick question for any PCOS'ers that are still sticking around to read my sporadic (at best!) posts....

My RE mentioned at some point during my treatment that it might be a good idea to go back on met.formin after the birth of our babies/breastfeeding. We didn't talk about it too much, she just said it might help control the PCOS symptoms and I didn't give it a lot of thought at the time because it seemed like a long way off. Well, here I am. Done breast feeding and obviously no longer pregnant- and while I am no where near ready to start trying to get pregnant again, I am thinking about how important it will be for my body to be in the best state it can be once we are ready.

So, my question is this... Did you go back on met.formin after having your baby/ies as more of a maintenance medication for PCOS rather than a drug in conjunction with fertility treatments? 

I saw my primary care doctor today for a thyroid check-up and talked with her about the possibility of starting back on met.formin. She was receptive to the idea, but said we first needed to check my fasting glucose level and my HA1C to ensure that the met.formin wouldn't be adversely effecting my blood sugar.


Stephanie said...

I'm not really answering your question the way you asked b/c I was only on Metformin this second time around...but, it did regulate my cycles and seems to have helped get me pregnant. My doc said I should be pregnant on my own after taking it for three months and sure enough she was right! If it were me and I wasn't quite ready to start TTC again, I think I'd hold off taking it until a few months before you are really ready to start trying. That stuff did a number on my stomach and I rarely took it as often as I should have.

Unknown said...

I don't have an answer for you, but I'm curious to see other responses.

I have PCOS but have never taken Metformin. My insulin levels have always been fine, and I used Femara to conceive my son. I stopped breastfeeding eight weeks ago and am still waiting for my cycle to return. I, too, want my body to be in its best state for when we're ready to try for baby #2. I would love to have "regular" cycles and am wondering if Met might be a good maintenance option for me. I'm going to give my body a few more weeks to try to start back on its own. If it doesn't, I plan to call my OB or RE.

A simple being said...

Yes I did and I think it help my pcos better the seco d time around I guess it didn't take as lo g to get the pcos in check

Stephanie said...

Still not exactly an answer to your question, but what we did....for #1 as soon as my RE found out I had PCOS he put me on Met, 24 hour release, 2 pills a day. After C, and when we met with RE to discuss #2, he said we should be on it for at least a month before we tried a treatment. I got on it in June and we had first treatment work in July. I definitely think it helps regulate our bodies and help with PCOS, especially if you know down the line there will hopefully be another pregnancy. Also, maybe I'm just a fluke, but once I got over the initial acclimation of the med, I rarely had stomach issues from it unless I ate poorly! I know some take different doses but I think having 24 hour release version helped with that. Let us know what you decide

Sarra said...

I have been on Metformin for about 6 years. I started taking it to help manage my PCOS symptoms, then upped the dosage when I was TTC, then stayed on it throughout my pregnancy at a lower dose. Now that I'm done breastfeeding, I'm working my way back up to the higher dosage. It helps me with my PCOS symptoms tremendously. Particularly my weight and blood sugar levels.

Liz said...

I was told that I should stay on in throughout pregnancy and then after because PCOS is a metabolic disorder that needs to be controlled. Made sense to me.