Monday, May 16, 2011

A few more things from the checklist...

Mock Transfer: DONE! Everything went perfectly. It was a lot like an IUI, except the catheter is thinner and a little more floppy. While my doctor was inserting the transfer cath. the nurse was doing an abdominal ultrasound to visualize the tube..... The nurse pressing on my pelvis while my bladder was super full was SO painful. I couldn't even worry about the cramping that was happening, because I was way more concerned that I might empty my bladder right there on my doctor's lap. Thankfully, it was quick!

Next up...

Doppler Ultrasound: DONE! This was just like having any normal vaginal ultrasound, but it was used to assess the blood flow to my uterus. Everything looked great and the measure came back right where they wanted it to be.

Then I got to empty my bladder... which was pretty much the best feeling EVER!

IVF Calendar: I HAVE IT! Although it isn't yet set in stone because we aren't positive when CD1 will be... I have it, and now have an outline of how things are going to progress.

Classes: Scheduled! Both classes are set up for June!

Prescriptions: I dropped off my BCP prescription this afternoon and heard from the pharmacy that I'm using for the remainder of my drugs. They have the prescription and will fill it when I'm ready to pick it up in early June!

Everything is finally coming together! It is kind of exciting that other than our two classes, we wont have any more appointments until late June. I told my nurse that I wasn't going to know what to do with all my free time!

This is really happening... SO EXCITING :)


E and R said...


Baby Hopes said...

Wishing you the very best of luck and praying that your babes are on their way!

Miss Mac said...

So nice to check things off the list and be on your way! Exciting!

Michele said...

I keep thinking June is far away, but it's really not. How exciting to start so soon.

amy said...

YAY!! So excited for you :) Praying for you!!

Stephanie said...

Yay, so excited to hear all of your plans!!