Monday, December 17, 2012

A Year and 4 Months!

One year ago Saturday I took a pregnancy test WAAAY too early at 4dp5dt and saw the two pink lines that changed EVERYTHING. I wasn't sure at that point if we would be blessed with two babies or one, but I had a sneaking suspicion that there would be two. I never, even after all of the waiting, dreamed they would change my life as much as they have. Sure my days are busy and my life revolves largely around eating, pooping and trying to get babies down for naps, but it is a nice change from needles, appointments and wands. I would (and likely will) do it all over again. It has been worth every single moment of heartache, painful procedure or injection and cent we ever spent. So, if you're still trying and have a some fight left in ya, KEEP GOING!

Saturday also marked another exciting day- the boys are FOUR MONTHS OLD! They are usually sleeping though the night, nursing six times per days and drinking five bottles of supplemented formula. They both can roll from belly to back, but generally choose not to. They still love their play mat, riding in the stroller and their car seats on most occasions. H will nap in his crib sometimes, but A refuses. At night they are both wedged into the co-sleeper together pulled up next to my side of the bed. H stays in the co-sleeper all night, and A usually wants to snuggle up with mama for the last couple of hours. I absolutely love having them in our room and fear it is going to be really hard for me to let them go to their own room. There is nothing sweeter than falling asleep to sweet baby sleep noises and snuggling up to a sleepy baby first thing in the morning!

I'm sure there is more to update on, but I have two little tikes not so gently reminding me that they are the priority right now :)


E and R said...

What a sweet picture! They are adorable. Hope you guys have an extra special Christmas!!

Megan said...

They're precious! Congratulations on still breastfeeding! :) Time is going so quickly, isn't it?

Stephanie said...

Aww, I miss the sweet baby noises. :) What great milestones that you are coming up on, and I am so glad you have those two handsome boys keeping you busy. They just keep getting cuter and cuter!

Janet Off Kilter said...

Great update! The boys are handsome little fellows! I think of you often and I am happy to hear that all is well. xo

amy said...

Oh how time FLIES!! Sounds like you are doing great, hope you're getting good rest as well. Those two are just so so cute :) Thank you for the update!!

Sarra said...

They are so adorable!!! Love the picture! Happy 4 months baby boys. Hard to believe how fast time flies!

Joys Truly said...

Yeah 4 months! And they are too cute!