Saturday, December 13, 2014

And we're off...

We are generally pretty quiet about any and all baby making. We've shared in the past with our families, and it ended up being more stressful for me than supportive. Not to say our families weren't supportive, but the stress just didn't feel worth it. So, with that said I've told one person that we're starting again. She wasn't able to watch the boys yesterday for our discussion meeting, so we had to have hubs parents come. We called it a Christmas shopping date, and we were set. Our appointment was scheduled for 4pm. Then, of course, my phone rang yesterday morning and we were told our Dr would have to leave early and our appointment could either be canceled or moved to a phone discussion at noon. Wanting to get the ball rolling, we took the phone appointment and hoped we could keep the boys quiet enough (Fro.zen and a pile of snacks!) and hopeful hubs parents didn't show up right in the middle of our call. 

Sure enough, not two minutes into our call someone is knocking on our door- luckily I was set up in our bedroom on the call and Hubs hadn't showered yet for our "shopping date" so we were able to dis guise his need to leave the room as needing to hop in the shower and he told his parent I was finishing getting ready and on the phone. 

The call went great- our doctor, who we've always loved, was excited we were coming back and through our conversation was thrilled to hear how uneventful my twin pregnancy was and how long I was able to carry the boys. We've made a tentitive plan--

Continue on birth control.
Call with January period- start uterine testing (mock transfer and sonohystogeam)
Continue on birth control, call with February period - ultrasound & blood work and begin injectables.
Late February/early March transfer. 

I'll get more details next week when I talk to my nurse, but we are thrilled that everything sounds like it's on track! So thrilled in fact, we went out and finally pulled the trigger and bought a mini van last night. So much extra room!!!!


Jessah @ Dreaming of Dimples said...

Woo hoo! So excited for your upcoming transfer and mini-van

Mrs. F said...

Good luck! We too are jumping back into IVF. All it took was one phone call. Our nurse had a tentative calendar and protocol all set up even before our first visit. I will check back to see how things are going!

Michele said...

Great news! Very exciting.

Kelsey said...

Best of luck to you!!

MaryMargaret said...

How exciting!! And the mini-van... I am desperate for one! Glad to hear that all is well and set for your new little snow babies to be transferred!